Cybersecurity Compliance

Proactively Protect IT Assets

Is your organization following best practices and relevant laws to protect sensitive data? Our cybersecurity compliance audits have helped countless businesses ensure their data remains secure while accessible to all relevant stakeholders. Catch and close security holes before they impact your business with Velocity Solutions today.

Security For You and Your Clients

In today’s digital age, cyber security is an important topic for businesses of all sizes. It’s essential to understand the definition of cyber security, the types of threats that could occur, and when compliance reviews are necessary. Establishing preventative measures to lower the risk of cyber attacks is also vital, along with developing a response plan in case an attack occurs. Velocity Solutions understands the risks and best practices for protecting your business from outside threats.

Compliance Benefits

  • Protects sensitive data from unauthorized access
  • Reduces the risk of financial loss due to cyber attacks
  • Increases customer trust and loyalty
  • Helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Improves overall organizational security posture

Always There for Your Business

Passing an audit and obtaining initial certification to comply with IT standards can seem daunting. It is essential to contact the proper auditing authority, pay the associated fees, and provide all necessary information for their evaluation. The entire process can be overwhelming, but understanding the relevant requirements and gathering all needed documents before submitting them will ensure success. It is also beneficial to research past experiences of other businesses that have gone through the same process to get an idea of what to expect. Taking the time for diligent preparation will be well worth it in the end, as it can lead to gaining certifications that allow your business to operate correctly.

Without an IT audit, organizations may be unaware that they are not in compliance with applicable regulations or industry standards. Furthermore, even if a facility is compliant during an audit, continuing to comply can be complicated with ever-evolving industry trends and technology advancements. Businesses must regularly repeat their IT audits, as each certification will eventually expire. Without proper recertification of the latest safety regulations and cyber protocols, organizations are far more vulnerable to data breaches and other security threats. Therefore, executing timely and effective compliance audits is an essential protective measure for any business looking to stay ahead of the competition.

Our Cybersecurity Compliance Process

Cybersecurity Compliance Researcher

1. Research

Certified cybersecurity experts will visit your location to note your current IT stack. Special attention will be given to problem areas, looking for outdated technologies or protocols that your staff uses to connect to your sensitive information.

2. Audit

With a complete picture of your IT stack, our team of cybersecurity compliance experts begins an in-depth audit of your systems. Your encryption systems will be tested against best practices to ensure gateways are secured for peace of mind.

Cybersecurity Compliance Audit Team
Cybersecurity Advisor

3. Advise & Implement

Any issues discovered by the Velocity Solutions team will be brought to the attention of your business alongside several paths of resolution. We can help implement these fixes or guide your internal team on the best practices that need to be set to avoid any costly security mishaps.

Cybersecurity Compliance FAQ

A cybersecurity compliance audit assesses an organization’s adherence to established security standards and regulatory requirements. The audit’s goal is to identify areas of weakness in the organization’s security posture and provide recommendations for improvement.

Cybersecurity compliance audits help organizations follow best practices and comply with legal and regulatory requirements. They also help identify potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals.

Common standards used in cybersecurity compliance audits include ISO/IEC 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR.

If an organization fails a cybersecurity compliance audit, it may be subject to fines, legal action, or loss of business due to decreased customer trust. The organization must also address any identified weaknesses and take steps to improve its overall security posture.

The frequency of cybersecurity compliance audits depends on the industry and the specific regulatory requirements that apply. For example, some industries require annual audits, while others may only need them every few years. However, it’s generally recommended that organizations regularly assess their security posture to stay ahead of emerging threats.

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