Disaster Recovery

Proactively Protect IT Assets

Information technology is an essential component of a modern business. As important as it is for organizations to have reliable, up-to-date systems, it’s just as important to be prepared for unplanned events that can result in major data loss or even breaches. Velocity Solutions is here for you with a set of processes and tools designed to protect organizations from potential data disasters and enable them to quickly and effectively respond to any disruptive event.

Ensuring Business Continuity

IT disasters can completely disrupt businesses of all sizes, including multinational corporations and local mom-and-pop shops. Disastrous data breaches can cost companies millions of dollars and sometimes lead to reputational damage that is impossible to recover from. Outages due to mechanical or power failures can lead to significant financial losses, while business continuity plans aren’t always suitable for organizations in the face of a massive system failure. No matter the disaster, organizations must be prepared with robust IT infrastructure, specialized training and robust policies to minimize the impact and move on after something unexpected occurs.

A Good Recovery Plan…

  • Minimizes downtime and data loss in the event of an IT disaster.
  • Helps ensure business continuity and minimize financial losses.
  • Identifies critical systems, processes, and data that need to be prioritized for recovery
  • Includes backup and recovery procedures for hardware, software, and data
  • Should be regularly tested and updated to reflect changes in technology or business operations

Bulletproof Business Continuity Disaster Recovery

Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) combines the two concepts into a single strategy. A BCDR plan allows an organization to quickly get back up and running after an interruption by restoring critical systems, applications, and data lost or damaged due to the disruption.

The critical components of any effective BCDR plan include identifying system vulnerabilities; establishing backup schedules; refining policies and procedures; testing BCDR plans regularly; training staff on BCDR protocols; maintaining current documentation; securing offsite data storage sites; monitoring progress against service level agreements (SLAs); and preparing vendor contracts that specify exact requirements regarding specific disaster situations.

Our Disaster Recovery Process

Disaster Recovery Auditing

1. Analyze

The first step in creating an effective DR plan is assessing existing IT infrastructure, including network connectivity, hardware, software applications, databases, storage systems, security protocols and user access privileges. These assessments provide organizations with valuable insight into what would be done to restore their IT environment should there be a disruption.

2. IMplement

Organizations should establish regular backup procedures for all digital assets stored within their networks to ensure that all data can be recovered quickly following a disaster. The most common types of backups used by small-to-medium companies are full backups which save entire files at one time with incremental backups, which keep only changes made since the last full backup was taken. These backups must be securely stored offsite, so they won’t be wiped out by the same disaster event that destroyed the local environment where operations are conducted daily.

Business Continuity Implementation
Disaster Monitoring Team

3. Monitor & REspond

Velocity Solutions will focus exclusively on managing the BCDR strategy so you can stay up-to-date on changes in regulations surrounding data protection and retention, as well as new technologies and best practices related to them over time still being developed today, like cloud-based solutions which offer advanced protection from potential cyber threats.

Disaster Recovery FAQ

IT disasters can cause significant downtime, data loss, and financial losses for organizations. However, having an effective disaster recovery plan can help minimize these events’ impact and ensure business continuity.

Some common causes of IT disasters include cyberattacks, hardware failures, software errors, power outages, natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes, and human error.

Developing an effective IT disaster recovery plan requires input from multiple organizational stakeholders, including information technology (IT) staff, business leaders, facilities management personnel, legal counsel, and risk management professionals.

It’s recommended that organizations review their IT disaster recovery plans at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to their technology infrastructure or business operations. Regular testing is also crucial to ensure your strategy effectively mitigates potential threats.

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